Thursday 26 July 2018

Bristol Harbourside festival 2018

Some pictures from a very enjoyable weekend - the annual harbourside festival of music, poetry, prose and waterside events

Almost think you were in Paris......................

The Royal Navy Patrol boats proved a popular attraction 

A couple of tall ships 

One of the old dockside houses 

a small boat show

One of these has been converted by the City council into a B and b but I couldn't find which one

maritime details...................

The old heritage of Bristol docks 

For Dad..........

a reminder of his employment roots..........

Original GWR Dad!!

making your live-aboard stand out 

A mug of tea and plenty of wood and varnish - what more is there to life?

Nick Park's take on Brunel?

competitors for the cardboard boat race

Rescuers for said race waiting by.....

Discussing tactics......sink or swim?

calm before the storm

getting the waiting crowds into a frenzy of anticipation................

the start.........a 1940's fire boat from WWII

will the cardboard cutter win?

Time spent out on the water is time never wasted................

A splendid sight...................

the junior cardboard boat event took an unexpected turn........literally...........

Almost ready, starting the count down

it was surprising how many sank on entry to the water..................!!

Valiant effort...........................

superb jet ski stunts from the British and European champion.......

250,000 visited Bristol harbour side over the weekend.......

salvage........I wonder what it is worth............

the most popular attraction on Saturday - the Newfoundland Dog rescue team.....awesome.......

standing by......just in case......

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