Wednesday 2 May 2018

The end is in sight

Almost there - aiming for week after next .....................

It is a workman like finish...the problem when you paint outside......flies, dust, leaves, insects, dead grass........ho hum! Then there are the brush stroke marks, not visible in the original coats. When I launched at some marina last year down on the Fal, one of the boat painters there swore blind I had sprayed the paint on - he just wouldn't accept that I had rolled it on and tipped it off. this time I just bunged it on, as fast as I could! But at least the thwarts look clean, the dents are painted over and the grey splodges of undercoat no longer show through.

Next year I promise Arwen will get stripped down to bare wood and repainted properly inside some shed....if i can find someone willing enough to loan me one!

Anti-slip grey Interdeck treads on side decks get a touch up 

Rear cockpit interior gets the grey anti-slip Interdeck treatment - three coats 
You can see how bad the thwarts were 

New coat of Toplac brilliant white hides all those dings and the red bungee being re-threaded. It is where the charts get held down on coastal passages. 

The problem with a shiny new top coat is it is now so slippy I shoot off in all directions. Of course, it doesn't help that Arwen is stored on a steep driveway!!

Cleats from left to right - centreboard, tack downhaul, top yard halyard

Deck loops back in place to hold halyard bags in cockpit 

rear thwart hatch fitted with new padlock hasp as locker lid lock has seized up over the years 

final top coats of grey Interdeck non slip paint on front cockpit area 


  1. Fantastic job! Arwen is proud of you! :-)

  2. um! Thanks - but to be honest it is a workmanlike finish and a rush job so I can get back in the water next week. I still need to do coamings and outer deck but that can wait until next year.

    Are you well? Got any sailing plans for this season?


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.