Thursday 26 April 2018

Tregurrian - Camping and Caravaning campsite, Cornwall

Tregurrian camping and caravan club site is clean, well kept and located on the clifftops above the wonderful Watergate Bay. A small site split in two with hard standings at the start and grass pitches at the rear, it has this season received an upgrade. New hard standings, new roads around the site, new drainage and new hosts. The welcome from Jackie and Ian, site hosts, was warm, friendly and made the start to our Cornish adventure relaxed. Good humour, smiles, a tour of the site and then a personal lesson with patient instruction on how to reverse a caravan onto a pitch. A first for me, a man normally quick to use the motor mover. After several false starts, with Ian’s patient instruction, I did get the caravan in the right place.  Later he rescued us when we hadn’t quite got the electric supply to the van sorted. Such extraordinary hospitality from such lovely hosts, we weren’t expecting.  With views out to sea, cows and fields surrounding us, the roar of surf from Watergate bay at night and early morning birdsong from the low stone wall/hawthorn hedgerows; with a view of the setting sun from the front window each evening, it is a lovely location.

Of course, in westerly winds, it is pretty exposed as well. The Kampa rally 200 inflatable awning almost took off several times Tuesday night. Pegs were torn out; the limpets attaching the awning to the van side were ripped off. Some of the inflatable tubes collapsed under the force. Interesting times!!! 

I discovered that adding to our list of boy and girl jobs whilst caravaning (see last year posts), boys jobs now include getting up in the wee hours in the middle of a lashing gale  to bang in extra pegs, grapple with an awning throwing a paddy fit and re-positioning the car to act as a windbreak.

To be reprimanded for getting back into bed slightly wet and very cold.......was the final straw!!

If you haven't come across our caravan Etiquette to avoid divorce then you can find it here. 

If you have anything to add to it, drop us a comment in the box below the post.  Other posts on our caravan adventures - try the RH side folder for October 2017

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