Tuesday 10 April 2018

spring launch time approaches

so...here are some winter reflections.....of a sort.............lots got done, if not done well!

from this CAD

to this..........

and the finished thing......a galley box for Arwen

The rudder got some TLC

as did the mast and the mast fixings

Frayed ropes and halyards got rewhipped

A new sleeping platform was made, Danish oiled and varnished

Life jackets and PFD's were checked and cleaned

Square spars were rounded

varnished, painted and had leather bindings put on 

and halyard rings were lashed in place

The outboard bracket was repaired and refurbished. Let's ignore the fact that I put it on back to front!!

All that remains is the attaching of eyes and setting up of re-boarding loops; and the installation of two knotted righting lines under each side deck

and some extra strengthening blocks in construction to reinforce where these eye bolts will go 

and of course, that ever nagging issue,
the painting of interior and exterior hull!!

Phew. Nearly there!

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