Tuesday 17 April 2018

Arwen gets a new paint job

All the deck loops and fittings have been removed
The sander is ready

The hoover has been emptied and stands waiting

The detail sander is pressed into action

Not everyone is going to like the new look..........cockpit floor and sides will be International 'Interdeck' grey............thwart tops in aft cockpit will remain Toplac brilliant white. The aft cockpit sides and floor will be the same as the front........grey.

Even the cockpit interior coaming will get a re-varnish............and then we start on the fore deck, side decks and exterior coamings 

The Mahogany planks and centreboard casing tops can wait until the end of the season - they will be winter work!

And depending on the weather and sailing opportunities I may, or may not paint the exterior hull. Best not to rush everything at once I always say!!

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