Saturday 3 March 2018

The beast from the east

Was an interesting experience. The SW of UK got hit badly. Our railway line is out (again); the A379 Slapton Road has been washed away (again), there were car crashes and people trapped in vehicles overnight on Holden Hill (again).

We lost a roof slate; the guttering broke; water came through the kitchen ceiling (having just redecorated it a month ago); the external drains blocked up and overflowed; a window got damaged and the fascia boards ripped off the corner of the house. Oh and we lost our BT landline which had to be cut by BT (our thanks to them for a prompt health and safety visit call out) when the part of the house they attached it to was ripped out by 60 mph gusts along the road.

On the Brightside - I think it was very fortuitous that we had the trees down last week. I'm pretty sure at one point Thursday night they would have been toppled down the garden slope to join us in the kitchen!

and so the repairs begin. Good job I retired!

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