Sunday 25 February 2018

catching up

Today I managed an hour in the garage. Freezing, dressed in thermals with two woolly hats on to help the ear not worsen, I managed to round the top yard and sand it. I then added one coat of varnish. Rather exhausting and so I retreated back to the warmth upstairs. In the meantime cough and ear infection continue unabated. I may have to recourse to a second doctor visit and worse still antibiotics - ugh!

On the plus side, depending on whose viewpoint you follow, the house smells wonderful. Varnishy smells are percolating up from garage below. Her indoors, on the other hand, doesn't quite see it that way!


  1. Steve, if it is a virus, as you said, then antibiotics won't do any good. You can't kill something that isn't alive.

  2. Looking like two separate things. Throat virus and ear infections. Doc suggested antibiotics for ear I think if it doesn't clear. I'll only get antibiotics because I have so rarely ever had them before I suspect. Will see what happens tomorrow 😃


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