Friday 22 December 2017

Dinghy cruising: restored rudder and tiller

rudder final coats and varnishing the tiller extension. Next on list is sorting out main mast, mast band and mast rigging. onwards and upwards


  1. Thanks for this post and the previous one. I am at the point with my little cruising dinghy where I need to make rudder / dagger board etc. Your rudder blade with its pull up and down ropes is just what I am looking for. I have dragged your photos onto my desktop so I can consult them readily as I use your outfit as a pattern - great! - Merry Christmas and great sailing.

  2. Hello stranger have t heard from you in ages. .sorry Christmas and happy new year. The bit. It seen in photo is .y helm impelder bit. I did a post on it a few years ago and will try and find d it if you are interested.steve

  3. Sorry Alden, it should read merry Christmas and it should at the bit not shown is the huntingdon helm impelder which I got from the dinghy cruising association


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