Thursday 9 November 2017

Dinghy cruising: Galley Box - video

After much discussion and interest on FaceBook forums about the galley Box, I have done a brief video overview of it. Thank you to all those who contributed ideas and comments. I valued everyone's thoughtful comments.

If you search October in the blog bar on the right, you will find previous blog posts on galley box construction and there is a Duckworks magazine article imminent as well. Arwen is winterized for now and there is a huge amount of maintenance to do on her. A proper test of the galley box will have to wait until Spring time. This is version one. It is rough around the edges. I suspect it will be refined and a version two may well emerge at some stage. 


  1. Brilliant Galley box Steve! Where will you store it? Now I am thinking of building one as well, if I could manage to fit it on the front thwart under the deck.

  2. as you face forward, port side, immediately forward of the centre thwart - so it is like an extension of the port side thwart. now you will bring that fantastic engineering design experience of yours so I cant wait to see it


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.