Thursday 19 October 2017

Getting routines: what to do when arriving at your caravan pitch

We are getting better. Setting up pitch is becoming routine and faster. For anyone else new to caravanning, here are our observations and tips for setting up on arrival at campsite. This is how we do it. Tips and alternatives always welcome in the comment box below.

·        After moving van onto site – draw forward slightly to reduce the ram compression on hitch

·        Apply the van handbrake

·        Turn the jockey wheel six turns

·        Release the jockey wheel clamp and lower to the ground and then tighten

·        Detach the clamp, electrics and breakaway cable

·        Pull car clear

·        Wind down jockey wheel until caravan sits level

·        Lower the corner steadies until almost on ground

·        Level the axel plane and if necessary use motor mover to move onto a stepped leveller under appropriate wheel

·        Level back to front using the jockey wheel

·        Final positioning of the corner steadies – remembering to put wooden blocks underneath each one

·        Turn on gas supply

·        Connect water systems – waste water, water pump

·        Fill aqua roll and put in pump

·        Connect electric cable to caravan; then to electric supply post; store any spare cable in BIG loops under the van

·        Switch on 12 volt system in van

·        Make sure taps closed and water drain system closed and then switch on water pump

·        Test each tap to allow water flow through – both hot and cold on each tap

·        Add flush water and pink fluid

·        Add water to toilet cassette tank and blue fluid

·        Switch fridge over to mains

·        Switch on hot water panel

·        Remove all foam that secured items in cupboards

·        Put up the awning

I am sure there is stuff I have forgotten. I am sure there are easier ways to do it all. If you are new to caravanning like us there is an excellent YouTube channel set of videos called ‘Meet the Trudgians’ with Dan and his family. I have learned loads, so thanks Dan, You have been a life saver with your vid’s.

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