Friday 20 October 2017

childhood dream relieved

It's 3am and dark, so dark. I look out through the skylight hatch to the night sky above and it takes me back to my childhood. My dreams and aspirations as a seven-year-old. To be an astronaut, an astronomer, a star traveller. Through that rectangular patch of bright night sky in the pitch black of the van interior, the stars twinkle above; some distant ones explode, colours flickering for an instance across the sky; the constellations slowly rotate away out of my tiny hatch view. There is nothing else. No sound from outside or interior. Just me and the stars and the wide multiverses above.

Occasionally, just occasionally, it really is nice to suddenly stop and return to that awe and wonder; to ask oneself those big questions about space, place, dimension and reality. It was some really cool 40 minutes of stargazing contemplation.

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