Thursday 14 September 2017

wood vice and mock up's of galley boxes

busy morning.....wood vice refitted; galley box for boat mocked up. It will hold leak proof fuel bottle in separate compartment; crockery and utensils; cleaning materials and food. The Trangia will store in its own compartment. The front will lift out to give access to crockery and stove. The lid will fit over the top of the box and when lifted off will form a tray on which to cook. It will have a thin aluminium sheet lining for heat resistance. The galley box will sit forward of the centre thwart on the port side of Arwen's centreboard and be held in by straps. Well that's the theory.....hence the mock up to see how it fits together.

In the meantime, researching whale gusher urchin bulkhead bilge pumps - ones with removable handles. Think I will also fit one of these in Arwen but its finding where is best. I guess ideally it would be in front half of cockpit but placing it somewhere accessible to me when I am helming on either side; and there in lies the problem......precisely where does it go?

The box mock up 

It should hold all cooking gear and food for a two day trip 

There will be a separate fuel compartment in a sealed bottle although I am still thinking about that. Never mix fuel and food seems to be a sensible maxim borne out by experience!

The new wood vice 

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