Sunday 13 August 2017

Playing with drones........


  1. Great fun and a novel way to show lovely areas of our countryside. However, I don't want to spill cocoa on your duvet, Steve, but have you seen the regulations on drones? They are "evolving" according to the CAA, but currently don't allow flights within 50 metres of people, buildings, vessels, etc "not within the operator's control". As with all recreations, the minority (not you!)spoil it for the rest by irresponsible use. Expect even tighter regs as a result!
    In the meantime, I'm enjoying all your posts. Keep it up!

  2. all good points - was aware of them. the people around tended to arrive after the drone flight started. I was though within 50m of buildings just I suspect. and I guess being alongside a cycle trail probably wasn't the best chosen location

    1. There are very very few who "spoil it for the rest" - the real problem is the flippin right wing press who jumped on this on a quiet news week and, of course, this useless govt have listened to the Daily Mail rather than the facts...

  3. But your technique is great!- very restrained motion. Some users revel so much in the arial freedom it's like being inside a drunk mosquito. This will add so much to your cruising and walking videos.

  4. don't entirely agree with that. know some airline pilots who have had some close encounters with drones. Those drone pilots are dangerous and give the rest of us a bad name. I do agree the majority I suspect try to abide by the rules. However, the growth of travel tourism and use of drones to get footage is now becoming an issue in some places

  5. Hi Robert - thanks for the comment - I always try to work on 'less is more'; I'm slowly mastering it so I can get footage of my trips - hopefully one coming up next week. Hope you are well



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