Tuesday 8 August 2017

A long overdue spring clean

A spring clean - some thirty years overdue - very nice to do. Basement is now cleared and reorganised. Study has been cleared out and is now about to be refilled with what we want to keep - so decluttering all downstairs rooms - wonderful! the garage will be cleaned, decluttered and organised tomorrow and Thursday. And then I can start building a workbench on wheels in preparation for my building wannigans for Arwen.

I'm beginning to like this retirement malarkey thingy!

stages in the filling of a skip

The paint pots got removed and what could be taken to the local recycling centre was
We made over twenty trips to our recycling centre - filling the car each time

The basement finally organised after 30 years...with dust sheets ready to cover all the shelves. There are another 10 similar shelf stacks in the basement!

When you have reorganised, there are bound to be things left over - 50 crates and around 60 lifetime shopping bags - now where exactly do we store these?


  1. Yee gods.. the feeling of catharsis must be out of this world... I'd be scared to death of leaving in something with names and addresses and stuff on! LOL....

  2. Spot on there Steve - the paranoia. I have shredded around five bin bags full of old assessment data, old letters, reports etc. I have another box worth to do. I've been religious about going through EVERY folder!! Talk about sleepless nights!!

    I've given it my best shot and hopefully I found it all.


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.