Saturday 17 June 2017

creating an introduction for my Youtube videos

I am trying to improve my YouTube channel; no idea why - just feel the need to!
There has been new channel art; new social media contact buttons and now I am playing about with channel branding. One possibility is to play the same intro clip or a slight variant on it at start of every is my first effort using the most basic of video editing software, and actually my favourite, moviemaker.

Drop me a comment and let me know what you think if you feel inclined. As always, constructive feedback always welcome.


  1. Very clean.. you now a drone owner??

  2. Hi Steve
    Yup, sort of playing around. Thinking about possibilities and how best to use it. Getting use to mobile phone controls and also what kind of shots make for best viewing experience. You well?

  3. Good thanks - been an outstanding sailing season so far... hope you're getting out and enjoying your retirement!

  4. Ha1 I wish - been a busy exam season and haven't retired yet - four weeks to go!! Still lots to do as well. Glad you've had a good season

  5. Is it safe to use the drone around a boat? I'm thinking about the water all around..

  6. Hi Enrico. I haven't been brave enough to use it around Arwen yet. I'm not sure I will either. It takes a time to get used to using it with mobile phone......


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.