Sunday 1 January 2017

So here I am.....

Sitting at home under the duvet with a severe head cold. Blocked nose which streams, weeping eyes, mother of all headaches and chest infection. It is exhausting being ill! A good start to 2017. So New year resolution one......take multivitamins each day, eat more fruit, eat less rubbish and move more!

NYR 2: remember to tie on the main halyard further forward because that makes the yard aft heavy and removes the diagonal crease in Arwen's mainsail, which has been a consistent feature for several years.

NYR 3:  ....and these are in no particular order by the way..........start work at 6.30am. Finish at 5.40pm. Work through break and lunch and if it can't be done during a full working day, then don't do it......because idiots are asking you to do the impossible.

NYR 4: stop working five hours every Sunday.

NYR 5: spend the weekend doing exciting things. Plan it a week in advance and spoil her indoors more......she deserves it.......take her out mid week after work (do people actually do that kind of thing? I've seen it done on the continent......but here in the UK? Wow!)

NYR 6: try to attend one dinghy cruising association rally this year.

NYR 7: do five 'Friday night launches' and camp on boards......returning Saturday afternoon so that you can then work five hours the next day because you know you are a teacher and NYR 4 is pie in the sky, wishful thinking! As is NYR 3. But Friday night camps.......well that is possible!

So in summary, eat less, move more, take the missus out frequently, sail often, do good things for others every day and stop being a boring workaholic fart! Now how hard can this be?

Happy New Year everyone. May you achieve all your resolutions and I hope 2017 brings you happiness, prosperity and fulfilment.



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.