Sunday 2 October 2016

Arwen has a geocache

Arwen has a geocache travel bug. It is a movable geocache, one that goes with travellers from geocache to geocache until they decide to drop it and leave it in one for others to find and move on.
Arwen's travel bug started on Vulcano, one of the Aeolian islands off Sicily. It seemed a good idea at the time!! Down in the crater was a geocache. The one in the fumarole field proved impossible to find, her skipper choking from sulphurous fumes and losing his way in a yellowish haze! Apart from which it was rather hot and his legs kept getting scalded by fumeroles.

Anyway, one brave couple from Germany, Alex and Bridgit, rescued the travel bug and carried it with them to several other Italian places before they returned to Germany, where upon, the bug was off travelling various geocaches. One proved attractive and so the bug was duely deposited.

And now it is off on its travels again. Across the Rhineland.

For a geographer, it's all rather exciting! 

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