Thursday 15 September 2016

Over complicating the simple.....

is a life long trait of mine and I have done it with Arwen's reefing system. I installed a jiffy slab reef system.....why? I don't know why! Because I over thought it. Because I have this ability to complicate the simple!

So this system is disappearing as soon as my elbow fracture heals.

The new system? As it should have been in the first place

  • Lower the mainsail
  • Loosen the snotter
  • Attach second line to tack to secure it and move the downhaul tackle up to the first reef point cringle on the luff edge of the mainsail
  • Take the aft end of spirt boom, detach the clew of mainsail
  • Move boom up to first reef pint cringle on the leech and reattach boom
  • Haul up main halyard slightly and tighten snotter
  • Tighten up downhaul at tack
So simple isn't it!
I would have been positively dangerous if God had given me a brain. Fortunately for humankind, he missed me out on the intelligence stakes and so I remain an idiot! 
 my thanks to JW who patiently confirmed I had worked out the correct procedure!

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