Tuesday 27 September 2016

I rarely post.....

about boats which are non John Welsford, but I came across this video and it is worth watching. Enjoy.




  1. You are forgiven. Thank you.

  2. You are welcome Rik. How you doing?

  3. Hi Steve,
    Doing allright thank you. Survived Mathew but still feeling effects of that blow.
    Boatbuilding has restarted on the Seagull, mostly finishing; fibre, fair and paint. Nice.

  4. Ha. Was thinking about you yesterday and Matthew. Much damage?

  5. Half of our beautiful beaches were washed away. And we were lucky with the storm staying 150km North of us. We still have its swells albeit dampened. The beaches will be grown back. I pray for Haiti, Cuba and Jamaica... It is a monster.

  6. Glad you ok and yes same feeling for other islands. Watching from afar, about to teach tropical storms to GCSE group, it's called topicality but always feel uneasy when looking at real events happening in the moment. On other hand it does raise their awareness about good fortune, where they live on planet etc. glad you are ok


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