Sunday 24 July 2016

The best laid plans.....

I was hoping to get three days sailing in Falmouth this week, unfinished business from last year! I wanted to sail across to Helford and up that river and the Percueil but fate intervened. For various reasons that I won't bore people with, we are having a new replacement car. Nothing to do with the  existing one we have which we are very happy with, but we need something with more grunt power and so we are switching it for a 4 x 4 diesel. And so this week we give up the old car and get the new one and the tow bar has to be fitted and so that scuppers most of this week where I have time. Hey ho that is the way it goes.

Yesterday was a lovely sail day, steady breezes, plenty of sunshine, warmth on the face. Arwen and I pootled around the sound, off Cawsand Bay, over to the OCR buoys and then back down the eastern side of the sound. All in all, several hours of just tacking about passed by. It was fun despite muppet man in the big cruising yacht who had no understanding of rules of the road or any basic courtesy out on the water! We covered 15 miles back and forth at an average speed of around 4 knots. Fastest speed was just over 5 knots. 


  1. Matey was on starboard by the looks of it?

  2. Was on starboard side but came from behind and was over 500m away when I first saw him and he had 500m either side of me at least. As we were both heading almost completely downwind, I'd interpret this as he was overtaking boat and to windward off me and therefore should have stayed clear of me. Not deliberately closed on me to point of being way, way too close, so that he stole all the wind and therefore made my boat lose way and steerage ability. Whilst there is no right of way in sailing and all of us have a duty of care to avoid collisions, it is generally accepted that if you are the overtaking boat, you stay clear. He closed to an unacceptable distance and showed scant regard for my ability to steer or manoeuvre. If we had been racing, then fair enough but since we weren't...............

  3. Hello Steve judging from the video your assessment of the rules and the particular situation is faultless. The yacht was coming along to overtake and should have done so by keeping clear of the slower (and frankly much classier) boat. Keep on enjoying your time on the water, kind regards

  4. Thanks Lorenzo . I've calmed down now. I am normally really laid back and chilled but that made me so cross.........such bad manners and seamanship on his part

  5. Name and shame, Steve, name and shame! Looks like another skipper who thinks that size trumps seamanship and that Colregs (Rule 13 in particular)are for everyone else.
    Unfortunately, the sea's full of them!


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