Sunday 1 May 2016

It's almost time...............


One skipper,  one boat,   one ocean!

Yesterday we met the skippers and saw the boats..............
today we have aero acrobatic teams, wing walkers and the Red Devils Parachute team........
all to the background music of some fabulous jazz bands and performers

Wot's not to like eh?

We almost had a Mediterranean feel down the Barbican........

Strange cooking implements had appeared.........

Bunting and flags draped everywhere.....

Billboards with unknown sailor's profiles along the walkways

Adam Sweet live on stage proved popular with the gathering crowds

People had come for good music and to meet the intrepid sailors prepared to endure discomfort across 3500 miles of open ocean 

Local pubs were doing a trade.....

And then there were the boats

But what most people had come to see were the skippers............

"so you are sure we have enough medals and gin bottles"

Gathering before being announced on stage

Catching the rays

Answering questions.........

Class 40 good cheer.....

Well most of them....some are more reflective......

"Remind me, which port are we racing to...?"

"Have you heard about the guy who is racing the transat in an old boat with self steering, no GPS or satnav and only a sextant for a companion?"

"It seemed such a good idea last year....."

"Well at least they turned out to wave us off..."

Brave adventurous and good humoured people
We were very privileged today to meet the 2016 Transat Skippers
We wish them all Bon Voyage and safe journeys and thank them for returning to our Ocean City after an eight year absence
Its good to have you all back

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