Sunday 22 May 2016

dinghy cruising: making Halyard bags

finally got around to designing some halyard bags for Arwen instead of buying them. Have some acrylic cloth from some other camping project....enough to do one set of bags for front of rear cockpit.......about four connected for centreboard sheet, one for the topping lift, one for the downhaul sheet and one for flask, bottle, gloves and suncream.

It will also do another one for rear cockpit, in this case a double halyard bag; one section for the Mizzen sheet and one for cameras and other bits and pieces.

The main sheet and the main halyard will continue to be loosely coiled across the aft cockpit floor. They have never been a problem down there. Sometimes the main sheet gets flaked onto the rear thwart out of the way. The two jib sheets get flaked forwards across the thwarts either side of the centrecase and again have never been a problem there.

So I just need to find someone with a sewing machine and bags of patience, who can teach me how to use it I wonder who that might be.........? More importantly, I wonder what it's going to cost me!!

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