Tuesday 3 May 2016

and they are off.......

It was far more miserable than it looks ........out at the start between HMS Kent, south of the breakwater and Penlee Point

Visibility was low and at times the boats disappeared from view on several occasions

Heading into the wind, waiting for the gun to signal the last five minutes 

Making slow big turns and jockeying for position before heading down wind for the final turn before the start 

one of the big crew support boats comes out to see them off

lots of boats came out to see them off. It got pretty crowded out there in the spectators area

final preparations, all support crews off the boats and onto the ribs

and then they were off...........the big gun of HMS Kent signifying the start of Transat Bakerly 2016

It was pretty swelly out there with some chop but our skipper tucked right into the lee of Penlee point

We had managed to obtain the last four tickets on one of the cruise boats - we almost didn't go but I am glad we did. My parents thoroughly enjoyed themselves; no one was sea sick and actually as the gun started the race, the sun came out and the gloom lifted.
All in all rather a good day out!

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