Monday 25 April 2016

One man, One boat!

The vibe is building.............the flags and banners line the streets

Local cafes are getting in on the act....and why not................

Stranger in town: an unusual boat in an unusual location 

Team Sodebo........ 

60 foot, carbon materials and £8 bn cost to build.......

wide, light and strong............

designed for team or solo sailors....who have nerves of steel...............

can hit 50 knots over the water...........

the winning skipper of one of these big beasties could reach New York in around 7 days

it is the widest thing I have ever seen moored on this pontoon

3500 miles of open water dominated by a line of low pressure systems.........every component had better be superstrong

It takes endeavour and courage for any sailor who undertakes an Atlantic passage

tough on the skipper, tough on the boat....this race is a full on sprint

It all starts on May 2nd around lunchtime............


  1. "£8 bn cost to build.."... blimey... really??!

  2. I think that probably includes research and design costs as well steve
    Won't here me moan ever about the cost of Arwen though!!


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