Wednesday 17 February 2016

Right place right time, the Bradford on Avon squeezebox group

so there we were in a small pub in Bradford on Avon, just a short hop from the regency town of Bath. For those readers living abroad, Bath is amazing culturally .......attending balls, taking the waters, 18 century Bath was fashionable and where those of high society escaped to. Anyway....digressing........we had just finished eating lovely home made pies when a group of musicians joined us at a long table. Average age, late fifties or early sixties? Lots of grey and white hair about but those cheerful larger than life personalities that talented musicians seem to have......and then out came accordions, squeeze boxes, penny whistles, recorders, violins, mandolins..............oh my....what a treat. Traditional English song music jauntily  played with depth of feeling and passion......some people are genuinely so talented it is breath taking.........real toe tapping rhythms.

 Two Californians had traveled a long way to meet and play with them added bonus. The intensity of concentration, that lost look, focused on rhythmic  and melodic patterns, a far away look in the downcast eyes as if the well worn, scrubbed deep honey coloured floorboards were the entire universe reduced to a 3 foot length of Georgian oak. Melody after melody poured forth. One musician would take the lead and after a while, another would alter the melody just slightly and others would obediently follow. Few words were spoken if any but the understanding and mutual consent were there.

I have no idea who they were but if by chance any of them were sailors and readers of this blog.......thank you, a big heartfelt thank you. It was a privilege and joy to share your passion, thank you!

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