Sunday 28 February 2016

I really need .

To go sailing. I have just worked my third fifteen hour weekend in a row and there is still a mountain of coursework, essays and books to mark. I still have eleven lessons to plan and mountains of paperwork to complete. In the meantime Michael Wilshaw feels the need to offer 'golden handcuffs', yes that is what he said, to teachers to keep  them from leaving the profession. Handcuffs.......what an interesting choice of words........... Is it any wonder so many are leaving to teach abroad where they earn a third more, have subsidised housing, opportunities to travel and students who are keen to learn with supportive parents. We face a substantial teacher recruitment shortage. Huge numbers of teachers leave thenprofession within three years of their training. In the meantime I will return to fill out my class intervention sheets, do my data analysis report, do my performance management mid year review notes  and ...........................I know I get paid reasonably well, I have thirteen weeks holiday and it is a privilege teaching young people in my school and the vast majority of their parents are so, so, supportive..........But my average working week is sixty hours plus and at my's beginning to take its toll.......

I wAnt to be out sailing, doing charity work, running extra curricular activities for my students, spending time with my family and not waking up at 4am every morning writing out lists of all the things I still haven't done for the following day...........

i know...suck it up, stop whining, be grateful, get on with it........... Sorry.
Normal service is now resumed................but it was a sunny day with a lovely breeze........and couldn't I just have one day?


  1. The joys of a rant (if I can call it that without being rude) - so cathartic! My rants tend to be private, ususally internal monologues (who's going to argue when it's just me?), and I suspect your published thoughts are better for one's mental health. It sounds as though you have a great school to teach at which can help a lot, I'm sure.
    Judging by your other posts, you still manage to get a lot done on Arwen, so are clearly much better organised that I am.
    Well, at least you have an extra day (today) to play with!
    Hope to see you both on the Dart one day.

  2. 60 hour average week - interesting - question - do the UK working hours directive apply to teachers?? My wife tells me there may be some doubt about it's application to nursing/doctors (she's a nurse) and I wondered if teachers were in the same boat...??

  3. I rarely rant. Tend to be head down, get on with it...sometimes it just catches up. No, the expectation of teachers is like NHS what is needed to get job done
    Hey ho!


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