Sunday 7 February 2016

Good house keeping on a dinghy

How to banish the winter blues......empty everything from every locker on board your dinghy. Test all the lifejackets.......which havent been done for years......all worked. Some needed cleaning. Rearming kits ordered. Peace of mind for this sailing season.

Sort out and reduce down the tools and spare fittings. Put into new sealed plastic containers and dry bags. Sorted.

Sort out ditty bags and reduce down to for hats and gloves and one for suncream,  lip balm, sunnies, liquid soap, tissues, spare shackles, multi tool, head torch, whistle and a pack of giant raisins, oh and a small bottle of water. Done!

Clean up the binoculars. Charge up the solar charged small portable radio, sort out various batteries, charge up the two handheld VHF's. Done.

Gosh, makes you feel better straight away. 

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