Thursday 18 February 2016

Another video from Roger..

I'm not quite sure where he is heading with these, whether it be a regular series or some one off videos, but they are good and useful. Here is his latest. Enjoy.


  1. I like the videos. Especially the singing seabird...

  2. Not sure I agree Frank. The issue was they couldn't climb onto the centreboard because it had retracted back into the centrecase. Other capsize videos I have seen of a navigator show it popping back up rapidly when you stand on centreboard. Arwen popped up quickly. However, since then, some hatches have warped and don't seal properly so I'm not so sure what would happen next time.....and I did test without sails clearly a need for a retest!!

  3. I really enjoyed Roger's videos. Thanks for posting them, Steve. More proof that I'm not packing nearly enough stuff onboard Ellie :)


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.