Saturday 6 February 2016

A wonderful glimpse of dinghy racing in 1950's plymouth

I found this gem of a film in YouTube. I know the launch ramp really well. Impossible for Arwen to use. Can't get a car down to it any more and it would be too steep anyway. What was particularly nice was to see the area without the pontoons there now........a lovely clip. Very enjoyable.


  1. Cracking... and did you notice?? Apart from the lady with the buoyancy aid not a life jacket to be seen....

  2. I know, scary? No interest in health and safety?
    It was lovely seeing plymouth in the 1950's

  3. I learned to sail from that slip and remember paddling back with panic on occasion when the bungs didn't make the departure!

  4. Jon
    I would love to use that slip but heavy boat, steep slip, no trailer access...sad. Worse still the one 50m away has dog leg in it, still steep, and no where to tie off boat if single handed. Plymouth City council do need to rethink their slips slightly


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