Sunday 3 January 2016

Vimeo or YouTube?

i am wondering whether to swap all my videos to Vimeo or whether to stay with YouTube. If any of you have a viewpoint on this, please let me know. I just wonder whether or not the intrusive ads that appear on YouTube ruin people's viewing experience......not that any of my videos are film quality master pieces. Up to now I have merely used YouTube as a depository of my video clips which act as a visual diary of my adventures in Arwen. Peoples comments about what they see in terms of my sailing skills and errors have then been most welcome and constructive.
If you have a view as to which platform might be best and why, do please let me know. Your help and advice, as always, deeply appreciated. 


  1. You should download Adblock Plus (free) to save you the effort of moving all your stuff to Vimeo. Adblock gets rid of all the irritating cr*p that takes up space on the screen and, believe me, it's well worth it. I think, too, that you have to subscribe to Vimeo to view videos (am I wrong) and I try (so far as possible) to avoid doing that to limit (also so far as possible) links to unwanted sites.
    I think I'm trying to stop the tides...

  2. The sainted Dylan prefers YouTube I think... I seem to remember him saying something about their ability to handle the uploaded content being better - download speeds etc... worth asking him direct??

  3. Steve, Stuart, thanks. Several good tips and points to consider. Thanks for taking the time and happy new year to you both


  4. While watching Dylan's films, some on YouTube, some on Vimeo, I have noticed that the Vimeo films pause for buffering more often than YouTube. I am on a fibre connection.

  5. Ah, didn't know that Alastair. Good spot, useful to know. Thank you.


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.