Saturday 16 January 2016

Summer cruising

I was sifting through some old videos a few days ago, partly in response to someone saying that I'd built a good boat but didn't know how to sail it ( my conclusion.......a harsh statement...I do know how to sail it........just not well and not necessarily in the right one of our revered comedians would have said..........) and partly because the weather was so bad and I was just dreaming of getting out in Arwen again.......looking forward to some cruises when the weather improves.

The other criticism that stung slightly for thirty seconds before I dismissed it because I realised I really don't care what people think other than a few people who have so kindly over the years supported me and encouraged me and given me such positive advice and Internet friendship.....was that my videos basically sucked. Well I'm OK with that because they probably do but since I only do them for me, along with this blog, as a visual on line diary of my adventures with my little boat, I have concluded I don't care.

I am a simple soul, shallow, easy going, caring about my family and that I give good advice to those I teach because they deserve it and support to my school colleagues because it is such am immense privilege to teach alongside such a talented bunch of people. I've tried to be a good person all my life, bring my kids up right and be a credit to them and my amazing wife. So what if I can't sail or make good long as I don't endanger anyone else or the environment.......

Anyway, I cam across these two videos in my collection.......2014 seems a long time first proper voyage and overnight beaching...........short version 2 mins. Longer version 12 mins. I'd forgotten how much fun I'd had on my mini adventure.

Hopefully this summer, a cruise back down Helford and Falmouth, a promise fulfilled to a new Facebook friend if he is feeling up to it, some cruises up and down the Tamar with my good friend Dave and maybe a sail along the coast all the way to Dartmouth and up river to Totnes.

Sometimes the planning and dreaming is almost as much fun as the sailing itself


  1. I am not the best sailor in the world but like you get by ok and enjoy it, the race mob at my club have in the past been unkind to my old wooden boat but I do not care.

    I go on mini adventures and people always want to talk about old wooden boats when out and about, these people are friendly and interesting largely.

    The race mob sail plastic boats that no one looks twice at, they sail them round in circles for 1 1/2 hours and that's it for the weekend, each to their own.

    Like you I am looking ahead to better weather and cruising again. Keep posting and don't rise to the trolls. Cheers. :-)

  2. Thank you
    Appreciate the kind words

  3. It's easy to judge from the computer desk at home, but the facts are, you not only built a good boat but you have used it continually -and with great joy- for years, and then you have taken the trouble to share your successes and frustrations with a world wide audience. That takes courage and generosity of spirit- not to mention effort.
    It would be so easy to be one of those who never does anything but has firm opinions about those who do, but Steve, you just get out there and do it anyway, and over a long period of time, your blog like many, has become a large and interesting source of data, opinion and experience that is available to those who are looking for some inspiration. Bottle it mate- you do it for free and there is very little in the world that is done so generously.

  4. Likewise Rob and thanks for word of encouragement and support

  5. Steve "since I only do them for me, along with this blog, as a visual on line diary of my adventures with my little boat, I have concluded I don't care." Bravo and well said...

    I've always tried to look at my blogs as a diary that I write for my own enjoyment/pleasure, if a few people tag along for the ride that's an excellent thing, but not the be all and end all....

  6. Hey steve, totally agree. And those who have interesting things to say and advice to offer in a constructive fashion which helps us all.....they are always welcome
    Thanks for the support and encouragement. I was on one of your blogs the other day if I recall....thanks for the tips

  7. Hi Steve, ignore the trolls it's easy to spit bile and poison, but very hard to insire others as you do. Phil S.

  8. Thanks for encouragement phil


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.