Friday 13 November 2015

This week

It started last Friday when a family member was taken into hospital as an emergency. They were discharged the following day with strict advice about behaviour, bed rest and taking it easy. So I went to see them and collapsed with labrynythitis so bad that paramedics were called who sent me to hospital to check I wasn't having a stroke. So going to see them to cheer them up didn't quite go as planned. I just freaked them out further!  Discharged on Sunday morning, by Monday my serious ear infection was getting worse and so my doctor prescribed very strong antibiotics. Which led to an allergic reaction so I had to come off those the day before having an endoscopy to check I didnt have oesophagal cancer. With that done Wednesday under sedation, I barely had time to celebrate the great news that I didnt have cancer and what damage there was could be solved by tablets in short term before my ear infection returned with a vengeance and I started my crab like walking existence leaning against any object I could find for support. Throw in a sore throat, headache, stiff neck and stomach pain from the endoscopy, AND having to take off four days in a row which I have NEVER done in thirty two years of teaching, well I'm feeling slightly jaded as I sit here in bed and my normal cheery good humoured up for anything disposition has deserted me for five minutes.

I know, I know, there are people suffering far worst fates at this moment in time and I should count my blessings. Normal cheery banter will be resumed in five minutes time.........sleep always makes things seem bad first thing in the morning!

Give me five minutes of self pity folks! Normal service will be resumed shortly. Promise!


  1. Doesn't sound like too much fun. Take very good care

  2. Thanks Andrea
    My bout of self pity is over
    But thanks for the thoughts.....appreciated

  3. Five minutes? For something as horrible as you've described, I would have taken five days over recovery, believe me. You should see me with man flu. Hope your experience doesn't interfere with the Meanderings - it's the first blog I look for in Duckworks every Monday!

    Look after yourself.


  4. Thanks Stuart. Really appreciate that. Cheered me up after tough day at school.
    Thank you


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