Monday 9 November 2015

Passion.....for life

Dimly lit, the lights hung low on long wires from vaulted ceilings, pale terracotta ancient brickwork walls, old roman arches, bricked up doorways, 50's Jazz......all accessed down an arrow alley between five story high ancient buildings.........the cafe atmosphere was warm, soft and animated!

Tables huddled together, it was easy to spot who were American, British, Scandinavian, German.......and who were from the Mediterranean was all a matter of 'proximity'! The former nationalities tend to sit opposite each other, across tables. Lots of smiles, lots of chatter.........but a gap between people, even couples.

Mediterranean nations on the other hand?

 Ooh lala! 

Up close, side by side, same side of the table, animated, heads close, gesticulating hands, facial expressions in overdrive and lots of hugs, touching hands and arms,  stroking knees, caresses of faces and hair.......romance and flirting so tangible in the atmosphere, aided by the intimacy of our surroundings. Food savoured slowly, small dishes and many of them, sharing tapas.....lots of laughter, head shaking, eye phones glanced at, the quick text, but never a loss of focus on your companion, multitasking at its best....its intimate, each couple intent on each other, their universe that small table, the food, wine and the person they are with whether it be friends or partners.

It's passion on display, passion for life, for music, food and each enjoy 'the moment'.......

I probably need to up my 'romanticism levels' My gorgeous wife deserves better!

Then the 'British' bloke bit kicks in............romance....what's that mularkey?

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