Saturday 3 October 2015

Dinghy cruising: How to get video of your boat sailing!

build one of these! Cost just about a tenner. Made of plastic gas pipe and push fittings and a swimming noodle. It floats. It's stable. You can adjust camera position. It doubles as a stable camera stand in the boat or on the deck.

You just have to get over the first hurdle! Throwing it into the water and then watching it drift off! On the other hand, it will certainly sharpen up MOB drill and retrieval won't it!

You can see more here on Kyle Martin's GoPro channel.

I'll let you know how I get on with it! Am in the middle of making one now!


  1. One way to make this brilliant idea even better would be to add a "picavet suspension" (google it to learn more). It will stabilize the camera while the stand is bobbing on the waves for a much better video. And it would cost next to nothing to add.

  2. Now that is even cleverer but I think I'd have to raise the vertical arms slightly. The top cross piece is around 7 inches above the water level but you are right on waves it is certainly going to Bob. I wonder if I raised the vertical s to 12" whether that would upset stability? And would waves break over it more if it were suspended below?
    Nice idea Joel. I feel more experimentation coming on

  3. What you need is a passenger who's hobby is flying drones!

  4. Ha funny you should say that
    I'm working on it

  5. Rather than let if drift off you could anchor it on a shot line and sail past, that way you could be sure of background views also.


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.