Sunday 11 October 2015

All done....

compass repaired, rather nicely, if I say so myself. New mounting position with all holes filled and sealed. The downhaul cleat for the centre case has been offset to one side. Moisture has been wiped away and cushions removed to the garage. And that has got me thinking about winter jobs

  • Sail batten pockets are unstitching so they need to come out and over to a local sail loft for some TLC
  • The trailer needs TLC too......bearings need checking; one of the rollers has broken and one has come lose. 
  • Having moved fittings around on the boom, I forgot to fill some holes! Don't say a word, very poor boatmanship. 
  • My sleeping platform needs attention and to be truthful, I'm thinking of trying out Joel's flat pack version which sit on the cockpit floor when not in use
  • I'm looking to recut the tent as well to make it easier to put up and down. I am taken with Joel's idea of hanging water bottles as weights
  • The mast needs resealing in places too. 
Then there are spring Easter sailing plans. I would next year like to

  • Sail from Plymouth to Darthmouth and up the Dart, taking the boat out at Totnes. 
  • Go the other way down to Fowey and up to Lostwithiel and back again
  • I'd like to trail the boat to other places too. Milford haven looks interesting. I'd quite like to sail a big lake as well and further along the coast Poole Harbour and the Solent..... And finally the Helford......that one is unfinished business left over from the summer


  1. Let me know if/when you're coming to the Solent and any help we can give you, who knows might even be able to drag Tosh out for a sail in company.

  2. Thanks max. It would be great to catch up


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