Sunday 27 September 2015


  • Cut the grass
  • Trim the hedges
  • Collect garden waste
  • Go to dump
  • Fix kitchen draw
  • Power spray back decking
  • Clean car
  • Remove mould from bathroom grouting
  • Spray mould behind bath tap
  • Mark 50 history assessments
  • Go sailing............

I went sailing! Breezy sunny days are going to be few and far between.........can't miss golden opportunities!

And breezy it was...........a 4.8m tide with low tide at midday. Winds around 13 knots with some big gusts. The sea was a dark slate grey, occasional White horses flicking the rolling maelstrom. Wind zephyrs scuttled across the sea roughing its surface and Arwen's stern lifted and plunged as waves rolled beneath her floors.

Out in the sound plastic white boats raced around marks. The huge rumble and flapping of spinnakers being deployed, the shouts as crews tacked and changed sides to counterweight the force of wind and waves. These greyhounds of the sea tipped sideways flashing their bottoms, each jockeying for position. Meanwhile Arwen, hurriedly and untidily reefed under some duress, ploughed her way up and down the sound. More practice needed reefing Arwen but at least I got to sit out on her side decks too!


  1. Hi Steve,
    the video is coming up as 'private' on my screen. Thought it might be a setting at your end?

  2. it said video is private. Sounds like a great day!

  3. Youtube says your latest video is Private :(

  4. Can't see the video. :(

  5. Sorry guys some problem with my iPad and YouTube channel
    Trying to get it fixed



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.