Saturday 15 August 2015

The Rolex Fastnet Race 2015

Starts from Cowes on the Isle of Wight tomorrow. It finishes at plymouth next week. The Rolex Fastnet village is being set up at Yacht Haven Marina down on Mountbatten. I'm not sure when boats will be arriving back but most activity seems to be Thursday with live music. Still they have a big screen and viewing area so I will pootle  on down. More information about the race can be found at

In the meantime, big kid that I am, I'm getting excited at the prospect of the British National Fireworks Championship, held here in Plymouth every year. It's this Tuesday and Wednesday night and this year we have the famous Red Arrows display team performing over the sound before hand.

Awesome, loud, but simply awesome!
It is going to be an exciting week. The big kid in me can't wait!!!

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