Thursday 20 August 2015

Navigator nutters

One of Paul Ricketts videos
Search his YouTube channel for more.


  1. Great video - I'm guessing this is somewhere in Australia, although at first I thought it might be Sweden?

  2. I was going with Sweden myself,

  3. Joel your comment seems to have disappeared into ether but yes " that made me pucker" is a really good way of summing it up. Can't decide whether it's brave, stupid, skilful, irresponsible or the whole lot. I'm going with "ballsy" ......very!!

  4. Re. my previous point about what I think makes a good video - this is a case in point... 10 and a half minutes of bow shot, interspersed with laughing skipper, and godawful music soundtrack - clearly he was having fun, but not sure I see the point of the vid!? :o)


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