Wednesday 12 August 2015

Budapest photos 5

Budapest's Houses of Parliament

four tonnes of gold was used on the ceilings

stunning stain glass windows

statutes of the Kings and Queens of Hungary

ceilings....breath taking.........

Under the Parliament dome, one of the Holiest places in Hungary
the site of the Crown Jewels....,no photos allowed inside and guarded by soldiers 24 hrs per day
St Stephen's Golden Crown is 1000 years old
Awe inspiring................

In the Lobbies of the gentry - statutes of the ordinary peasants and labourers....a reminder of who it was they are representing

The House of Lords equivalent

overlooking the Danube

worked out what it is yet..........for the answer....see the bottom of the post*

Met him in a street.....a bronze of someone but no idea who!

every day temperatures of 35C+......a regular necessity
and the mystery is a cigar holder. In the late 1800's 'gentlemen' were not allowed to smoke in the chambers and so would leave their cigars in a numbered slot so that during the breaks they would be easy to find!

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