Sunday 12 July 2015

Final plans being drawn up

for my trip to Falmouth. Pilotage sketches of various waterways and harbours are being finished off in my waterproof notebook. Today I will spend ages entering way marks into my hand held GPS. I need to start thinking about food rations. I have to finalise overnight anchorages although part of me says "go with the flow and see where I end up".
I have my reading materials......."the lugworm chronicles".

Now the only decisions to be I sail from which case I lose four days sailing to and from Plymouth, although I get the excitement of coastal passage planning and sailing? Or do I trail the boat down to Falmouth? Several Dinghy Cruising Club members have suggested launch sites....Pascoe boatyard, Trevissime House, Mylor Creek boatyard.....this option would give me five days sailing around the Fal and Helford Rivers but not much coastal inshore sailing. I guess I could sail to Fowey and overnight there. That would take two days. Or sail around to Mevagissy and back again in a day.

What do people think? I'm feeling very required please!


  1. Steve,

    Trail west and sail east would be my favorite - unless you get really unlucky you have the prevailing winds behind you.

    Last time we were don't there both Helford and Carrick Roads anchorages were limited (laid to moorings) but we always found space, for a small boat I can't imagine that you won't find a spot.

    St Anthony's in Helford has always struck me as a good small boat anchorage alas we've always been there is a deep keel yacht. Also up above King Harry ferry above Carrick Roads and past St Mawes.

    In Fowey the anchorage is in deep water, but I'd probably chance that small shingle beach just into Pill Creek but I'd bet the harbour master will find you a spot around the back of the pontoon somewhere up by the lifeboat.

    Sounds great, very envious .

  2. Hey max
    Really good tips. I like trail west and sail East
    Just need to work out how to get car and trailer back to plymouth
    Thanks for thought

  3. There is a good rail service from Plymouth to Falmouth.

    Or leave the trailer and let your wife bring the car back.

  4. Sadly she is working so I guess it's railway back down or persuading my son to drive down

  5. We went to collect a boat at Helford, few yaers back as I recall we hired a car in Eastleigh and dropped it off by falmouth marina, then caught a taxi down to helford passage and the ferry across to pick up the boat from the yacht club mooring.

    Probably be easier if you put Arwen in at Mylor - then hire can/taxi or train and taxi would both work - and it's a lovely spot to start from.


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.