Saturday 2 May 2015

Missing the DCA rally

Life is full of little surprises.
I was looking forward to attending my first DinghyCruising Association rally this weekend. The plan was to launch at Mountbatten ,sail up the Tamar, overnight at Forder Creek and then leave the rally to sail home Sunday morning. I needed to do work bank holiday Monday. 

As it was, OFSTED put pay to that. They descended on us on Thursday and Friday. No sleep Wednesday or Thursday night. A fair and human inspection team but is still an extraordinarily stressful process.

I've slept most of the day. I can't believe how tired I feel. So I've missed the rally. 
Unbelievable really but there we are.
I hope they have a good sail but I fear it will be a damp one


  1. I agree about how stressful these visits are - In a career spanning 40 years continuous teaching I have endured a large number of these things.
    In New Zealand the Inspection Teams were originally called 'Review And Audit Teams' RATS for short!!! so that was changed pretty quickly to the 'Education Review Office' ERO.

    I just used to call them 'Those pack of bastards' LOL.

  2. All our inspectors wee lovely. Most were serving heads and deputies and very humane.

  3. You missed a great rally, though it was a bit wet if you aren't used to such things. Hope to see you at another one.

  4. Hi alistair
    Sorry it was wet....never worried me as a mountaineer....quite used to it.
    Glad you had a good time. Look forward to reading about it


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