Friday 8 May 2015

House keeping.........maintenance

The rudder stock has been fixed. Burgess hydrosol was dribbled into cracks and allowed to dry. Then a clamp was applied to tighten the cracks up and a small mending plate screwed in place. Clamp taken off and the cracks have remained closed. The rudder pivot bolts were tightened up to reduce the play that seemed to have appeared in the rudder blade.

Some iroko has been cut and glued into thick blocks. When dry, they will be cut and shaped and mounted on the side decks tight against the coaming. They will form the base for new cleats for the jibs. Where they are at the moment, mounted on the side seat rests, is basically useless!

Other things to do...well some hole filling on the boom. Then there is the cutting away of an area of rotted wood and fibreglass on the starboard floor, front side.

Busy, busy, busy.

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