Thursday 28 May 2015

Checking my dimensions!

So I hauled out the plans and went all over them again.
The mast isn't's the correct height.
The top boom and sprit boom are precisely the right dimensions.
The sail has been cut correctly although lacing eyes have been added by the sail mast even though they were not needed.
It has a Gunter yawl sail shape though and I can't find anywhere on the plans a sort of standing lug sail plan type affair!
Anyway, I reset where I had the reefing points on the sprit boom and moved them back a little so that when I pull down on them, the clew also moved back slightly....a sort of ouhaul affair.
Then I moved the sail up on the top boom. For some reason I had it tied lower down , don't ask me why. That should raise the sail a good 30cm further up above my head. I also replaced  the sail lacing. It has been on there for eight years!!

Eight years! Poor Arwen. She needs a new paint job definitely, a spruce up on the mast and booms, some screw holes filling on the sprit boom. Lots of little odd jobs.
Hopefully, when she rigs next time, the mainsail should go higher.
Oh! I also raised the jib attachment up another 30 cm as well so that should really tension the jib.

We will soon find out! 

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