Thursday 2 April 2015

a pleasant surprise at the Barbican

Was the tall ship Kaskelot. She is a three masted barque which has undergone a refit at T Neilson's yard up at Gloucester.

She is also one of the largest ships on the water in this type and it must have been some feat helming her through the lock gates and then turning her around past Capt'n Jaspers.

This morning her crew were getting her ship shape. Some people had turned up expecting her to be open as per the website instructions. It was also published in the local paper as well. However, the crew , slightly offhand I thought, just told people that she wasn't ready and they couldn't be blamed for a website error. That was the fault of the website editors.

Anyway, she is beautiful and I am led to believe that all the crew sail her and look after her in a very traditional way.

There is a brief summary at

Kaskelot by the way is Swedish for sperm whale
Just in case anyone was wondering!


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