Tuesday 17 February 2015

Spring clean

Arwen has had her first spring clean. Water sponged out of nooks and crannies. Hatch plates taken off so she can air in the spring sunshine. Some of the black mould removed......still along way to go on that one ....especially under the decks. The starboard centre thwart locker has been cleared out ready for storage of coats, packed lunches, binoculars, etc. the port locker has been re packed containing fittings, tool kits etc. 

I am thinking of commissioning my friend to make some netting for the sides and rear of the footwell to hold things in place better. I am going for the minimalist, uncluttered look this year. Yeah like that will happen.......have you seen my school desk, classroom, study, back room and house hallway? Nough said!

Clutter, I am surrounded by it. It replicates itself when I'm not looking. They say clutter is the sign of a brilliant mind........that's the argument I'm going with. Others, less kind, will say it is disorganisation!

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