Saturday 3 January 2015

Husky dogs

I'd forgotten how yappy they are, always getting in a tangle and argumentative with each other. On the other hand when they get themselves organised boy can they go. Our poor team of six had considerable weight to tow and it showed on the hills when I would have to jump off the sledge and push and run. I don't know who got more of a work out them or me!  We did very well with steering, braking and general mushing. Only one incident when the sledge went one way, I went the other, the dog team choose a different route and her indoors hung on for grim life as sledge went vertical onto one runner on a sharp corner. I managed to regain control and honour and she was genuinely impressed. Wow!

By the way, its pointless doing it in the dark.....can't see anything! Makes it fun in one way........uncertainty. Boring in all other ways! 

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