Thursday 7 August 2014

My final destination

I made it up to within 500m of  St. Germans and then realised I didn't want to moor there. The wilderness adventurer called out to me and I turned around and headed for the beach on the inside of the Dandy Hole meander bend. This will be my resting place for tonight. I am trying to decide whether to take the ground and hope my tidal height calculations are right or cross to the outside of the bend and moor in deeper water. I think at the moment I will opt for the former. The river beach, take the ground and a campfire on the beach appeal to me.

I am waiting for the tide to drop a metre or so and hat is where I will ground thus ensuring I have plenty of water to float me off in the morning. 
Nerve wracking isn't it....trying to work out how to take the ground for the first time! The wind is coming at me across the channel. I put a kedge anchor out in deeper water with the hope that that can be used to pull me into deeper water. 

Wish me luck!

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