Sunday 20 July 2014

Having just recovered......

From a week of sailing with six teenage boys, who all got RYA level 1 and 2 certificates, I am now thinking of sailing the Lynher on Tuesday. The tides are low tide at 8.30am and are neaps so little tidal flow and going up on the incoming and back down on the outgoing. It will be a long day but it is feasible.

I managed to lose another pair of sunglasses last week as I jumped from one rib into another. I'd temporarily clipped them to my PDF, but not as well as I thought. And they didn't float as they we a cheapie pair!

The boys did themselves, me and the school proud last week. They were cheerful everyday, never moaned, got their heads down and gained success. All had a growth mindset; a very determined bunch.

Joel our instructor was outstanding. Calm, patient, encouraging, quick to praise, fair but firm. Exceptionally knowledgeable and an excellent seaman, the boys made huge progress each day. He was very ably assisted by another student of our school. I've spoken before about how much I admire this young lady. Focused, easy going, on top of her school work, determined and an outstanding instructor in her own right. She has short term and long term life goals and is a typical to be with.

Basically it all fell together nicely.
And so now its time to get Arwen out and about or a few weeks.
Lets hope the weather holds!

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