Sunday 8 June 2014

The cloaks we wear..........

I enjoyed my amble up the Tamar. It may not have been under sail all the way BUT next time it will be having now got a lie of the land ...and channel.
It felt strange returning to normality. As Arwen and I approached the last meander before arriving at Weir Quay, we became more conscious of 'normality' descending.  We were moving from the peace and quiet of rurality to the buzz and 'hyper' business of urban life; from gentle upper tidal riverine life with its reed beds, mud banks and soundtrack of birds, livestock and gurgling river current; to a sound track of trains, cars, factory hums and dockyard clangs.
It felt a melancholy journey back , that last two nautical miles or so from Weir Quay to the two Tamar bridges and as we passed beneath them, I knew our micro adventure was over. The cloak of 'mini explorer' slid from my shoulders to be replaced by the one labelled 'father, husband, teacher, bread winner'. Don't get me wrong I love wearing the latter cloak; an immense privilege resulting in me becoming such a better person than I would have been without wearing it. But, just occasionally, it is nice to take it off, hang it up on a hook, and take off the pegs another cloak, a different one, just for a few days.

I hope I have been able to share with you a sense of the wonder, beauty and privilege it is to live next to the stunning World Heritage Site that is the Tamar Valley.


  1. "There is only time enough to iron your cape, then back to the skies for you - Superhero !"

    from a quote in a TED talk by DARPA chief. Lovely stuff Steve.

  2. I am very jealous of your backyard Steve. I have a navigator out here in New Zealand. We just don't have these historic little backwaters to poke around in. I have spent a bit of time in Plymouth, and as a youngster sailed a lot of the south coast with my parents, it is great territory for a Nav.
    My mainsail crease got a lot better when I put a stiffer yard on the main, and I quickly blocked off the two round hatches into the front thwart, and put a decent sized hatch on the top of it. Just giving the paint on mine a freshen up before it goes into a woolshed for the winter.
    Martin Wellby

  3. MARTIN!
    Your nav provided such inspiration for me when building Arwen. Wow......good to hear from you.
    The yard is pretty's something else....I suspect to do with down haul, and closeness of sail luff to the mast or not as the case may be
    Like you I think I will alter the thwart hatches as you have done. My broths and family live up near Nelson
    Good to hear from you

  4. Hey Tasman
    Thanks for the comment........superhero...oh I wish!

  5. My only wish is that your video was longer because I could enjoy watching it all day long. Such a beautiful and serene area. You are a lucky man to have such lovely places to sail.

  6. Hi Joel
    This year I am aiming to go up the dart, the Lynher and then do the rivers around Falmouth, time permitting in the summer. So you ain't seen nothing yet!!


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.