Saturday 24 May 2014

The weather forecast

Is for cloud and some odd showers. Winds are forecast SSW around 12 knots but with gusts to 29 knots. As I go up the Tamar, that should be fine with winds blowing over the port stern quarter. As I turn into the Lynher, as long as the winds stay SSW then I should get them coming over the port beam for much of the way. May need a reef or two then.

But winds never work out that way do they!

I'm going to need to make a nifty launch tomorrow early or I will run out of water at the ramp. So I'm thinking I will just dump everything in, launch and get on the water and then beetle around to the north slip pontoon and tie up again to sort things out. It's a much longer pontoon with much more deeper water. My other alternatives are to mosey across and tie up on a buoy in the cattedown or one of the bigger ones to the north of drakes island. Plan C is to just pull up on the launch ramp opposite QAB and sort things out there first.

Anyway must dash, things to do.....get meths, get petrol, bits and bobs and do my pilotage passage plans.

Exciting times!!

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